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Cutting the Chord

Personal Story: I'll keep it short.

I was married for almost 15 years (2006-2021).

We were on again and off again, a "situationship" for several years more, after our divorce in 2021.

We both saw the value of keeping our family together.

Circumstances caused the marriage.

We created three gorgeous precious children.

We accumulated riches.

We had many friends.

We went through major milestones together.

We had big problems we weren't able to overcome.

We went to therapy.

I enrolled in many workshops (Safe Conversations/Understanding the Opposite Sex) and mastered their teachings

They went to silent retreats and men's empowerment workshops

We drank Ayahuasca (which improved our relations tremendously, graçias Madré)

I was dependent on my spouse financially, although I worked hard to help my house-hold in every way.

There were addictions.

There were many breaches of trust, lies, and deceit.

We tried well to get over them.

When it was time to say goodbye, I tried very hard to let go, for years, but it felt impossible for we had many attachments. We created lives and a whole life together.

When it was time to say goodbye, I felt doomed in every direction I faced.

Stay in a relationship I had outgrown? No. That wouldn't work.

Leave the relationship and face being a single mother, financially unstable, and facing the feelings of having my "other-half" torn from the comforts of familiarity. Ouch!

The pain I felt while pondering my predicament was nothing short of agonizing.

I spent 5 years in limbo land. I enrolled in courses to learn new strategies for relating, went on medicinal retreats to make sense of my reality, and leaned on Mary Jane heavily in an attempt to ease my feelings of despair. I talked to my family, friends, therapists, and lovers about what I was feeling and facing, while they held compassion for me while I tried to figure my shit out.

I was gripped with fearful stories. What if they move-onto someone they love more than me? What if that person influences my children in ways that disturb my peace? If I let go, does that mean I'm giving up?

I hate giving up, but I detest "stuckness" more. They say that what's so beautiful about a fool is that they never know when to give up. And what can I say? I am a straight-up fool, for love. For real.

Some say that love isn't enough to keep a relationship going. I challenged that theory for years, but it seems whoever "they" are know what they're talking about.

Then one day I made a decision that I had had enough of myself and my fears. That moment came on the precipice of me waking up in the morning to a voice that whispered (in the space between sleep and awakeness) "YOU CAN DO IT". The sense of relief that came with that VOICE is what powered me to make the move, with conviction! I knew what that voice was saying to me, I could feel it in my soul.

Heartache due to a break-up is one of the hardest processes to go through in life. It is never easy. Heartache tends to keep us as its hostage until we learn how to fully face the facts, let go and be willing to move on. For real. I had to cut the chord. Come what may.

What is real, can't be threatened (A Course In Miracles).

This statement was the gateway for me to do my necessary releasing work.

That very day I decided to enroll in a jedi-mind training program designed by my self, for my self (and soon will be released to the public).

The adversity I was facing gave me the idea to create something valuable, in order to steer my own life in the direction I wanted it to go, even though the thought of fully cutting the chord sent me spiraling, and even though I didn't know exactly where I was going with it.

I did it anyways. I found my strength from within and just began.

All I knew is that I needed radical change, and I was the only person who was gonna make that happen.

I'm not impervious to heartache, despite my strong faith in life's processes, from a Spiritual standpoint. But I am very human, and cannot escape the woes of a relationship that needs to end, despite all the reasons for why it might be smart to keep-on, keeping on, from a practical sense.

When it comes to love, I've learned that practicality is a poor reason to stay committed to something that lacks any life-blood in it. This was my lesson to learn.

My jedi-mind-guide employed my wits, guts, and soul to help me make sense of the detachment process, so that I could use strength and reason to move on gracefully, because quite frankly I stumbled embarrassingly the last time I tried to end things unconsciously. Somewhere deep inside of me I had the faith to know that if I committed to the process, then I was going to win something very valuable.

What I found while creating the step-by-step guide, which is an accompaniment to a book I'm almost finished writing, was that while I was creating, my life began to expand.

I came to the awareness of how tiny and microscopic my life had become by staying marginally attached to a person with whom I had no business sharing an intimate life with.

All the things that I would consider the cornerstones of a healthy and dynamic love affair were missing from the narrative, and while I created the guide, there were points in my awareness that became illuminated as I cultivated a strategy for letting go.

It was as if the process of creation paralleled my reality, like in the movie The Never-Ending Story.

All the points I was making in my guide seemed to eclipse the reality I wanted to create, while releasing what I no longer wanted to hold onto. I could sense that I was living less in the past and future, and instead relishing in the present moment, totally aware that the INFINITE INTELLIGENCE within me was helping me co-create the life of my dreams, which gave me more belief in my power, and sustained my trust in the process of letting go. This awareness provided me with strength, liberation, faith and ecstasy.

Holy Mother, Batman!

I poured my heart and soul into the guide. Because that's what it takes to be free.

Now I'm on the other side of heartbreak. The guide took me 21 days to create, and I'm proof that it works.

My life has become a wonderland of my own creation.

People come and go, and I am pleased. My heart is flowing openly, and I have yearnings that excite me. For a long time I didn't welcome the future, because my present was so dismal, despite the simple joys that naturally came from having a human experience.

Until I got the gusto to create the guide, life felt heavy and hopeless.

Hope is the last thing to die.

Being in the wrong relationship will ruin your life.

Since I created the guide I've been interviewing people about what they're facing in their relationships.

One friend I have who's been divorced for over a year has zero good things to say about her ex. They share a daughter and spent over $150k on lawyers, fighting their way through until the end, which still isn't completely over. She's bitter, blames him for everything, and says she's totally done with men. Yikes!

Another friend recently told me that she loves her boyfriend with "most" of her heart. There's still that man from her past who makes his way into her bedroom when she's having sex with her man. Yikes!

I have another friend who is in a very loving relationship with a man she met shortly after her divorce from her husband (who she still claims was the love of her life). Her finances were in disarray at the time of her divorce, and she didn't have the capacity to ask her spouse for half of the house they built together. She just walked away because it was "too painful" to simultaneously break-up with her husband AND advocate for her rights to their mutual possessions. Her new man provides. She is happy enough. Although she cries about her ex when we talk sometimes. Sad and Yikes!

This guide isn't only for the broken hearted, though. In it I reveal insights, answers, tools, guidance, illumination and wisdom to the most burning issues concerning love and intimacy, from the framework of recognizing what needs to die, and letting it die, while providing guidance in cultivating strong personal mindsets and characteristics so that the seeds of love, flow, forgiveness, and creation can serve ones higher-self and their lover (preset or future)

What my guide promises is the opportunity to transcend what we've known and ultimately transform into the people we know we want to be.

Most therapy strategies and styles focus on what's wrong, but that's not what my guide entails.

The guide I've created fosters hope, tolerance, faith, compassion and belief in oneself, which are the elixirs needed to heal and create the kind of relationship with oneself that is based in the seat and in the purity of ones own heart. From this place love will find its joyous way to you in ways that your imagination will provide. Once some healing work is done, your imagination will run wild with the possibilities. And in a short time, you will manifest the riches that were found there.

I created a survey recently to ask my community of folks who are dealing with loss, relational stress or singledom to provide me with their answers, so that I could make it bulletproof for everyone and anyone who is dealing with heartache in regards to making sense of their love life, so as to provide a bulletproof roadmap of consciousness that seeks to provide wisdom, peace and release as it pertains to their love life.

I got a few responses, but I need more.

Click here to take the survey, so that I can be of service to your deepest needs and desires.

I will be offering this guide to 5 people at a ridiculously low price. Why only 5? I need a few sets of eyeballs to test out my offer and provide testimonials in return for this great deal.

The price you ask? Less than what it costs for a budget dinner for two: $39 (60% off)

Once I get some eyeballs on it, the price will be increased to the value of what I perceive it to be (priceless - hahahah!).

The Foolproof way to Getting Over Your Ex; Healing After Hearbreak in 21 Days is something I'm so proud of. It's something I believe most people need to extinguish the remnants of a past love that feels like a haunting ghost that prevents us from being embodied in the present moment.

An unresolved past love leaches our precious energy stores and robs us of the vitality we need to truly live awake!

Let's get started!

And don't forget to fill out the survey located above! If this guide isn't ringing your bells because you are in a state of bliss within your current reality, congratulations! Please be a good samaritan and pass this post along to someone you know who may be suffering in matters relating to the heart.

Namasté Healed,

Marian xo

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