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Spiritual Journalism... and some other thoughts shares.

When journalists started being murdered many years ago I wondered who would report on the real stories happening on the ground, and around the kitchen table.

Journalism uncovers things that need to be aired out into the light, for reasons based in justice, human perspectives, and heart, which tends to illicit compassion. It seems like intelligent journalism is gone, and has been replaced with videos from personal iphones, which is better than nothing I guess, but doesn't hit anywhere near the impact of a person who risks their life to get the real story.

If I could do it all over again, or choose to pursue journalism as an intentional vocation, I'd seek out a great photographer who would travel with me to get the stories. For now, I'm a one-woman show.

Who knows what the future holds?

The other day I saw an old mentor at a wedding and she told me I was the first and only small-business-loan applicant that they approved on the spot. She told me that she uses my story for her students at SLCC, as a way to inspire them towards their entrepreneurial success.

If you're a successful entrepreneur, congratulations. You took your idea to market and you can feed, shelter, and love yourself and your family.

My teachers once told me that all disease stems from Spiritual disconnection. When there is a strong connection, the body is healthy, the mind is clear, the creations are plentiful.

When someone is confronted with a belief that is asked to be questioned, that is the time for healing. Healing results in an expansion of the mind, thereby raising the vibration, and attuning into a higher frequency, which naturally elicits body healing, including the tenderest parts of the heart. It's imperative that the medicine is integrated in order to have lasting effects, which is 100% the responsibility of the person looking for answers and/or healing. No external resourcing. It's all located within.

The medicine is a bridge for self-healing, illumination, and understanding. The Shaman(a) facilitates the journey using their aura, insight, connection, sound vibrations, as well as sharing their intimate knowledge and relationship with their medicine, to their patient.

Those of us who work intentionally with Psychoactive Plants and Fungi, for the purpose of healing and soul-revival, are Spiritual Doctors. I have the equivalent of a Masters Degree in Psychedelic Healing & Integration. The only place one can attain a La Madré PhD is in the jungle, learning from the indigenous, for a great deal of time, cleansing the physical and auric bodies.

They welcome people who have good intent, pure generous hearts, and perhaps un-corrupt-able souls.

The schooling is in the experience. The integration is in living, healing (self, and thereby others), and teaching the knowledge of the natural and spiritual realms.

I will get my PhD soon, when I visit the jungle for a time.

La Madré shows us what we need to see, so that we can fully live.

And so does Psilocybin, but in its Fungi way:)

There are many medicines on this beautiful planet that we can learn much from.

It's been my experience, every single time, that the function that psychedelics play in life are nothing short of miraculous.

The body is used so that the mind can get re-connected to Spirit, consciously. Wow.

We are aware that the plants connect us to our deepest source. OMG>

They are a bridge to a place worth taking an adventuring to.

I can attest, I have only ever had mind-blowing experiences, except for maybe two times. Once early in my training I made a mistake that caused me to spiral, and I couldn't get back in the drivers seat. And the other time I was with my ex-partner, and stuff between us came up and it wasn't great (post journey).

But you always get something valuable from the experience. Always.

They are tools. They help to repair the body, mind and soul into full restorative order, in sometimes as little as one or multiple processes. Once the awareness comes, via the medicine, so does the healing and transformation. It's like that. Integration has to take place for lasting change. It's worth saying again.

I may sound preachy, and that's because it's worth gospelling about.

Preachers are uplifting and inspiring when they know what they're talking about, and are sincere in their hearts and in their approach.

Nature is my religion and I am Her preacher girl. Let's call it Spiritual Journalism.

Some of my thoughts today,


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