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Rising To The Challenge.

When we are on the awakening path, the most fundamental exercise we must practice, with rigorous and committed effort, is our thought process. We have to change the way we think, and recognize the traps of the part of the psyche that seeks to destroy our inner light. Some call this part of the psyche the eGo, a demon or devil, there are many names.

Because the mind/psyche is the ruler in our lives it is vitally important to recognize the part of the mind that contradicts what the Soul is urging us to know. The Soul speaks in illuminating and loving whispers, the eGo speaks in negativity. This negative forms destroys most people's lives because they have not made the distinction between them.

The challenge then is to train the mind to think positively. This looks like reaching and stretching past the negative fear talk and old limiting stories, and instead exploring the silver lining that comes with thinking in ways that promote courage and exercise inner strength.

Let me provide you with an example.

Let's say you've recently had your heart broken. Maybe things didn't work out the way you imagined them to. Maybe you feel you've been robbed of your life force, out of naivete or lack of experience. Perhaps you became attached and bonded and now that it's over you feel alone and hopeless.

These situations and circumstances, from the eGo's point of view, may cause you to think negatively about yourself and your experiences. Your mind may have you believe that you are unlovable, unworthy, undeserving, hopeless, a failure, that you wasted time, but this kind of thinking will only produce more suffering.

The antidote? Train your mind to find the silver lining. Flex your soul muscle by providing your spirit with enough sustenance and mind-food to get you through your feelings, when the negative ones rise up due to loss or pain from the past.

We've all been through heartache and heart-break. It's human. It's natural. It's what we do with what we've learned that is precious and valuable. Too often, we humans live in the past, dwell on our shortcomings, which causes us to disconnect from our source of deep knowing. And that is a gross betrayal.

Earth Medicine allows us to connect the dots of our deepest knowing, using our lived experience, in a way that provides grace and clarity. It cuts the suffering down to the quick, and so we save precious time and energy, so that we are not living in the past. Instead, we choose to live in the present, as much as humanly possible, and wait with hopeful anticipation of the future we are creating by adhering to the wisdom of our soul's whispers right here and right now.

What I'm talking about is Jedi-Mind-Training.

"I am One with the Force, The Force is with me".

What this looks like is recognizing which voice is speaking to you. This is the challenge, not the problem, the challenge. If the inner thoughts that are whirling around your head are telling you mean or negative things or bringing you back to the past, you must learn to put that voice in its place, in the corner of your psyche, knowing that it will always be sitting there waiting to attack you. Accept this reality and you are halfway there.

The next challenge is to know what to do with that negative voice. Once you begin to introspect and recognize its painful messaging, picture a monster/demon in your mind and let it know that you see it there. This will rob it of its power. You can simply say, "I see you, and what you are trying to do is no longer working. Sit and be still". Picture this demon sitting in the corner with a dunce cap on. Surely this image will make you laugh, and that is very good. Laugh at your eGo. It's a part of you, so you might as well find the humor in its tactics, otherwise you will be at its mercy.

The next phase of your personal reclamation of your spiritual life force is to employ the demon to do your bidding. This is a tremendous challenge to exercise, because we are not used to co-creating with the eGo, but this is what one must do, if life is be lived in a thriving environment, consistently. Harness your power to instruct your eGo to empower you - if the eGo is left with nothing to do, it will destroy the seeds you've recently planted. If the eGo is given a task, it will work with the spirit, essentially merging the worlds within you. We are looking for holy union within all the parts and aspects of ourselves.

You can tell your eGo, quite plainly, "be of service to my higher self, or else you will be silenced". This practice is powerful beyond measure, because what it does is allow you to be in the driver's seat of your choices, and when you know you are working for your own highest good, and not your eGo, the voice of your Soul will get louder, until eventually you will be in a symbiotic state with the force that created you.

Eventually, with this mindfulness practice, you will learn to recognize which voice you want to listen to and it will easier and easier to make decision and choices from a soulfully aligned point of view.

Your triggers are opportunities to reveal your spiritual power. How you respond and react is a testament to your strength and resiliency in maintaining a connection to your deepest truth and knowing (higher self).

You don't have to sacrifice kindness to resolve a dispute or move through a conflict or challenge. The eGo or small mind will have you react without thinking and do so catastrophically, but your spirit will have you pause and give you time to reflect upon who you want to be in the given moment, which will result in clear messaging, understanding, and resolution of the matter.

When we love another, we are offered no guarantees. The challenge is to accept the experience, and turn it into a good story as a chapter in the book of your life. Move through the world with soul, so that when heart-break comes to end a chapter, you can still feel at home in yourself, knowing that it's better to have loved and lost, than to not have loved at all.

When you rise to the challenge, using positive thinking as your primary source of mind-food, you will see how much love you feel for your unique self. You will come to know and embody the wisdom that lives inside of you that says "I am One with the Force, the Force is with me. There are no mistakes in life, only lessons in love". And you will feel free. Free to love again, in good time.

Earth is a school. We are here to learn. We are here to love. We chose this life. Never forget that.

Namasté positive,

Marian xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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