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Burning Desire

Desire is what fuels our lives. When our desires are definitive, single focused, we will undoubtedly achieve our goals. If they are scattered and loose, our minds get derailed at the earliest sign of resistance.

If there is no desire, we are like a leaf floating in the wind, directionless. Fate will have its way with us, rather than co-creating our lives with the divine towards our chosen destiny.

Our destiny is catalyzed by adversity. If we succumb to adversity and do not advance beyond it, we will find ourselves spinning our wheels and living a marginal, small life full of "I wish I would've's" and regrets. For some that might be enough. For most, they cannot see the lessons learned in their perceived failures and that is why they give up too fast and too soon.

But for those of us who have a burning desire to live great lives, full of meaning and purpose, then we know how important it is to become aware of the lessons found in our challenges and to never give up on our dreams.

Our dreams are the breadcrumbs to great fortune. Our imaginations are the vehicles in which our dreams become a reality. Without the use of our imagination we cannot magnetize our destiny towards us. If our imaginations curate the same scene over and over again, in the most delightful way, then it is only a matter of time before our vision is manifested in our immediate realities.

There are so many people in this world who settle for mediocrity. I wonder how this can be so?

Where in their lives were they told "no", and so they gave up? What are they doing with their lives that has them so busy that they can't find the time to imagine better for themselves?

This is a billion dollar question, because if someone knew how powerful they were, how valuable their dreams are, then they would realize that they have the capacity to create anything that their imagination can conceive of. The world needs more innovators, artists, teachers, leaders, visionaries, so that life on earth can make more sense than it does now. At the moment we have major problems that need solving and if more people gave a damn about the power of their minds and employed their hearts to steer their ideas in the direction of impactful and passionate action, then we'd really be getting somewhere, in style!

What I find is that people value the wrong things. They value external things, instead of cultivating and honoring the genius that lies dormant in their minds eye.

Fear often gets in the way of someone who yearns for more than what they are holding. Feelings based in a lack of self-worth is the stumbling block most people get caught on, which is just a symptom of a strong eGo. A lack of support is what prevents someone from quitting before the prize can be won. Being around naysayers and small minds will no doubt squash any inkling of progress.

I see it all the time. And have experienced it for myself.

For many years I was surrounded by people who influenced my perception of myself. My ideas seemed too grandiose, even ridiculous to them and because we are who we hang around it impacted my resolve to pursue my dreams with gusto.

If you have far-seeing-vision, have an imagination that runs wild and feel like you are an odd duck because of the looks you get when you share what's in your mind, congratulations, you are one of rare ones.

Once I woke up to my reality, I had to make a decision; allow these influences to steer my life into desperation and despair, or to remove them from my orbit, at least for a time, so as to get clear on who I am and what I'm made of. This process requires much solitude, belief in oneself, and loads of faith while in pursuit of ones inner truth.

You know you're in the wrong company when you share an idea and they find reasons for why it won't work. MAJOR RED FLAG. Another relational red flag is that they can't find the questions to ask you, so as to support the development of your idea. What you need, if you are with wild imagination, is a person who will ask the vital questions that will help you decipher more clearly your path.

These people are rare. In order to ask the right questions, one has to have the capacity to think beyond what they know or can comprehend, care enough to probe, have impeccable listening skills, and hold the desire to help the dreamer reach their goals with the absence of envy or jealousy obscuring their good intent. What I am describing is a sacred connection.

The Universe will support your burning desire. But you've got to get clear about what that is.

Once the desire is clear, then the path opens up. Once the desire is imagined from every positive and possible angle, life starts to take on a new shape. The vast majority of people give up on their dreams when an unforeseeable obstacle is presented, but what they do not know is that it is a test to see if their faith and belief in themselves is strong enough to overcome the adversity.

They give up digging just three feet from where the gold would be found.

Synchronicities are a sign that you've embarked on a fruitful path. The fact that you're reading this is a good sign.

When I begin working with a new client, the first thing they begin to notice are the synchronicities. It's an exhilarating thrill ride to embark on a journey where you feel you are sure to win, because the Universe is sending you signs that you know are meant just for you!

The most challenging parts of the journey is getting started (figuring out what you want) and overcoming the obstacles that present themselves at the times when all you want to do is give up on your goal.

This is why clients hire me to help.

Not only because I am an idea generating machine, but because I hand hold during the times when the eGo is strong and the old stories of lack creep back in again, which coincides with a temporary halt in synchronicities. To have synchronicities, you must maintain a high enough level of vibration that is conducive to co-creating with the Universe. These are the signs that reflect your positive progress. Negative, fearful thoughts? No synchronicities.

Strong belief in vision, self and future? Synchronicities!

Synchronicities are miracles. They are the highest manner of logic.

I have a burning desire to help 3 people manifest their dreams.

The world needs more visionaries. And because I am a see-er, I help thought leaders emerge from a too small and marginal life, so that they can live large; full of riches in soul, excitement in body, as well as luxurious experience in the material realms.

Helping people find their inner genius is what fuels my fire.

I know what a good mentor can do. When I found my mentors I was working in the beauty industry. I was very good at what I did, but it was not the vocation that was best suited for me. It paid the bills and had a few marginal perks. My older sister suggested I pursue beauty (her influence was strong on me) and it wasn't until I met my teachers that a whole new world opened up for me.

Now I'm here helping people achieve their highest potential, just as my teachers had done for me.

The joy and resplendent grace I get to experience from doing what it is that I am meant to do cannot be communicated with words. I want you to experience these feelings for yourself.

Working with me is fun, deep, and soulful.

Check out my testimonials.

I am offering a 9 week intensive DREAMWORKS challenge for 3 people only. We will work one-on-one and in group.

This service is priceless because by the time we're done, you will be well on your way to your chosen destiny. You will learn how to live large, grounded in spiritual embodiment.

But let's be real for a minute, what is your success worth in terms of time/money investment?

You tell me.

If I told you that you will get to a place where you are sure you will win, what would that be worth to you?

If I told you that your world will expand in a most profound way, just by having me in it, what do you think that should cost you?

I have to put a price on my services. It would be cool if I could live on Love and Water alone, but that's not my reality, yet:)

I charge $4900 for my DREAMWORKS manifestation program. That's roughly 1-2 hours per week (talk, somatic therapy, field trips, fungi experience, connections, etc) for 9 weeks.

But because I have a burning to desire to help thought leaders and visionaries become a force in the world, and to help support them transition beyond their "mundane lives", and realize that people want more for less, I am dropping the price to $2900 until Monday at Midnight, which will never happen again. This might be the best deal of your life!

Pretty soon my book will be published, my matchmaking services will take-up a lot more of my time (because my deepest burning desire is to help people fall in love with themselves and then to attract a beloved into their lives).

We will work together to ensure your success.

You will need faith, belief that you have a higher purpose, tenacity, definitive determination, trust in me and the process, and an open mind.

Are you ready to eradicate anxiety, depression, and negative self-talk for life?

Then this is your moment to make a very impactful decision.

If you are ready for a major life upgrade, reply to this email with 'DREAMWORKS' in the subject line to become one of the lucky three.

Namasté Lucky,


(BONUS - if you become one of the lucky three, you will have access to me (questions/support) via email after the challenge is through, for as long as you are on the path of your dreams. Once you enter into my vortex, you will become a part of an amazing community of humans who live bursting with heart and soul. You will be welcomed to events, retreats, and experiences that will blow your mind!)

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